- Do you struggle with wearing socks?
- Crit Club Presents*
- Domestic geology
- Core Sample
- The Post-Glacial Landscape
- Meta-plastic
- Fenlandia (AArchitecture 41)
- Folds net
- On Metamorphics
- I glitter above the Shreddies
- Keymer Rhythm
- Finding a glacier at home
- You never walk in socks in mud
- I’ll show you mine if you show me yours
- The Candidates
- Net-work
- Encounter
- Quicquid sub terra est
- Thairg an coire mo thĂ ladh
- I am the mountain
- Proposal for a wall
- On Pyrite
- No Regrets
- Buried Structures (Big Rock Candy Mountain)
- Terracotta menhirs
- Clammy Bedsheets
- Line Dried Bath Towels
- Wheatfields, from Tiff
- Adapt/React (Parenthood)
- Two short walks, though no less thorough
- For ORRA
- Dark Wash
- Domestic Bliss
- TFW u find the one who completes you
- A thorough and specific walk, as though looking
- Dusty Fingertips
- Alps in the Bathroom
- Passable ascent
- surfaces in situ
- Small blue stone
- View Go Window Help
- Slow Looking
- Thinking North
- One Take
- Iceland/Studio
- Double Distant
- Iceland 2014
© 2024, Susannah Bolton