Author: Susannah
Left: Textile fragment from the publication 'Antichi Tessuti Peruviani'
Right: John Brett's 'Glacier of Rosenlaui' 1856
Earth-Speech, 138 High Street, Cranleigh, 2020
Found images (2020)
You never walk in socks in mud
mercerised twice
you never walk in socks in mud
always shoes or barefoot
the clay soaks in
did you ever fill your socks with talc?
Home from rugby,
then talc in your socks to slide on the floor
Earth-Speech, 138 High St, Cranleigh, 2020
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours, with Rosalind Wilson, London, 2020
Surface Matters, Take Courage Gallery, London, 2020
Mercerised cotton, chalk, unfired clay (2020)
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours
Moments from the collaborative 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' with Rosalind Wilson
1. Collected material alongside paper pulp container by Rosalind Wilson
2,3,4. Object collage with shared collections
Stones, shells, coral, tumble dryer fluff, plastic, paper, adhesive colour, soil, concrete, mesh, twigs (2020)
installed alongside work by Rosalind Wilson
the candidates sit in line
Oil on paper, stones, shells (2020)
Zeroes and ones
Not-threads and threads
A pocket theory of carrying
Casting the net out: reaching, collecting, connecting, containing
I knotted this net-work beyond overthinking, tangled thoughts, not-thinking.
Casting on creates the space, tying the first knot is the fishing boat to where the wild things are.
Cotton, linen, plastic (2020)
I'm glad the days are getting lighter, driving home in the dark isn't fun.
Same, it meant I could finally get the string out of a tree on my way home from work. It's been snagging at me for weeks.
Plastic, metal staples (2020)
Gold on paper (2019)
the corrie offered me rest
Gold on paper (2019)
life flows
Not Just A Shop, London, 2019
Cotton, silk, linen, wool (2019)