please hold the line
let it loop around your finger, coiling your story

Zeroes and ones
Not-threads and threads
A pocket theory of carrying

Casting the net out: reaching, collecting, connecting, containing,

Casting on creates the space


Refracted looping 
Undulations afoot 
And holding it all down, I glitter above the broken Shreddies 

Cold that draws the comfort from my hand is
Slumping it out 
Dragging dust crumbs and hair, a shrivelled pea becomes a geological erratic
Hanging the duvet dropped the once-green boulder almost silently downstairs 

They said it would be up to seven working days for a new filter part. In the meantime, strata were laid: unwatched cornflakes pushed methodically into the carpet, gusts of loom dust hesitated
Wavering over the weight of physics. 

The luminescence held within quartz tells when the mineral last saw daylight. Defects within the crystal structure trap electrons: which Vax nozzle is best to suck these β particles out? ‘Static electricity, even the interactions of one atom with another can overpower the call of gravity.’ 

Space is very dusty. Vacuuming the vacuum, I've got a labelled bag waiting. 


How would Nan Shepherd cope with housewifery? Would she too unload the washing machine to find the Glacier of Rosenlaui in 200 thread-count cotton?

Traversing the domestic environment, I enact geological processes by hand to feel close to what is distant, threads become sediment in a woven cliff face.

b. Inverness 1993

Living and working from North Uist, Scotland

Selected Exhibitions

Baggage Claim, Staffordshire Street, London, 2023

Crit Club Presents*, Staffordshire Street, London, 2021

UAA Summer Exhibition, Taigh Chearsabhagh, North Uist, 2021

Earth-Speech, 138 High Street, Cranleigh, 2020

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours, with Rosalind Wilson, London, 2020

Surface Matters, Take Courage Gallery, London, 2020

A History of Drawing, Camberwell Space, London, 2018

weit genug / far enough‘, Klosterkirche Peter und Paul, Angermünde, 2016

Being in Place, Workspace, London, 2015

Springboard, Perhaps?, APT Gallery, London, 2015

Summer Salon, Angus-Hughes Gallery, London, 2015

‘so much depends upon…..’, Nunton Steadings, Benbecula, 2015

Camberwell College of Arts Undergraduate Summer Show, London, 2015

Room With a View, Hotel Elephant, London, 2015

‘so much depends upon…..’ within Nil X Mouth, Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, 2014

HERE-IN, HERE Creative Centre, Stöðvarfjörður, 2014

Gold, 29-31 Oxford Street, London, 2014

UNIT, Café Gallery Projects & Dilston Grove, London, 2014

Residencies & Awards

Tobar an Dualchais X ATLAS Arts residency, 2024-5

Des Borda Territorial Research Residency, Quehui Islands x North Uist, 2024

Creative Scotland Targeted Fund, development of collaborative soundwork, 2023-4

VACMA Bursary recipient, 2020 & 2023

Artist in Residence at St Joseph’s Specialist Trust, Cranleigh, 2019-2020

Shortlisted for the Westmorland Landscape Prize, 2019

Inaugural Studio Garonne residency, St-Martory, 2019

Shortlisted for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize, 2018

SMDU Collective residency, Angermünde, 2016

Perhaps? Collective group residency, Crow’s Nest Gallery, London, 2015

Group residency at Hotel Elephant, London, 2015

HERE Creative Centre, Stöðvarfjörður, 2014

Education & Peer Groups

Into the Wild, Chisenhale Studios, 2020 – 2021
Crit Club, 2019 – ongoing
Surface Matters, 2019
Camberwell College of Arts, UAL, BA (Hons) Drawing, 2012 – 2015
CCW Progression Centre, UAL, Foundation Diploma in Art & Design, 2011 – 2012


Workshops & Classes


I am currently focussing on reciprocal education and support avenues.

Recent collaborations have been with children at Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath to support mental wellbeing, and developing creative practice with disabled artists in partnership with Taigh Chearsabhagh Trust & Calmac.


Earth-Speech with Andrew Kerr,  SET, Lewisham
Netting Weaving with The Beach Clean Project, Penryn
Learn to Weave at Taigh Chearsabhagh, North Uist
Groundwerk 4.5: Weaving with Turf Projects, Croydon
Learn to Weave at Surrey Art School, Newdigate
Drawn from Life at Surrey Art School, Newdigate
Young Sketchers tutor at Surrey Art School, Newdigate